A desperation for healing...


My son became very sick around the age of 3. There was not a doctor that could tell me what was wrong, they just kept telling me he was on the Autism Spectrum.  I knew that my child was sick and no one was giving me any real answers. I refused to accept that my child should live in pain and have sleepless nights.  I began to pray and research and read like a mad woman.  I read nutrition books, autism spectrum disorder books, gut science books and realized that this is where all of the problems start.  I found out that my son really had PANDAS and that if it would have been left unchecked then he would have most likely died.     

Through much trial and error I healed my child from ALL of his food sensitivities, got him speaking and healthy.  Then I realized we could use similar methods and diets to heal my 2 year old's eczema.

I decided to give up my career as a model and to study healing holistic nutrition.  I took holistic cooking classes, nutrition classes and immersed myself in knowledge. All of a sudden, people were finding me and I was helping people heal that had some serious issues.  We were healing symptoms from Eczema, Colitis, leaky gut, ASD, ADHD and even restored the health of a 9 year old cancer survivor and were able save his colon from being removed! This was all achieved with food and supplements. Many doctors told these people that diet change would not help them or laughed at them and said to give it a try.  Many of those very same doctors became believers that nutrition could HEAL.

I knew that helping people heal was my calling so I finally got my certificate as a Nutritional Therapist and here we are today!  My goal is to combine my knowledge of healing food and supplements with your God given instincts!  I will help you peel back the layers and restore your body into the healing powerhouse it was designed to be.  

I also have become a specialist in creating a healing home and sleep space.  Removing toxins & EMF's in your living and sleeping environment is just as important as the food you eat.  I can help you choose the best water filter & the best non toxic household products, furniture and mattresses for a healthy home.

DISCLAIMER! I do not diagnose or treat, I pick up where the doctor leaves off...